Well, I realize I didn't really do too much in the way of updating you guys through this page - however I'm sure anyone who checks in here checks in on my instagram//facebook more often, so... guessing you know what's up.

THAT'S RIGHT! FutureKat SuperPark has officially been released on the App Store.

Def check it out here.

And as far as the official trailer, check it out HERE!

Finally! Here she is! The OFFICIAL trailer for FutureKat SuperPark: the new VR Jogger™ from Pierce International, Unlimited - available on iPhone and Android for Google Cardbaord on Friday, DECEMBER 9th. @FutureKatGame

Ended up revisiting the original trailer format (Welcome to FutureKat SuperPark, below) and I think it turned out rather splendidly. While you're at it, make sure to check out the official website at and see all the random bullshit me, my brother, and all our friends have created over the last 6 months. It's been a real ride, but there's still more to be done... it's like the end of Lord of the Rings.. DOES IT EXIST?!

Bizness Time

Last night I showed off a demo of the game to group of other game devs and enthusiasts to much applause. There were a couple "Yo, yours was the best game tonight, man." and some "This is amazing"s. Even a "Man! When can I buy this?!?"

So that feels absolutely ridiculous. People were laughing and weren't even pulling it away from their faces whenever they ran into things in the real world. It's always so cool to see people enthralled by what you've created.

But now's no time to rest! I'll be spending the next several days working on projects for other people, but we'll be right back to developing the ol' FKSP this weekend. ALSO! I've begun seeking out funding opportunities, so keep your eyes peeled for more information regarding this subject very soon.

Once again, thanks for keeping up with all this! Feel free to contact me however (there's a contact page in the menu for this here website), and let me know if there's anything you'd like to see and/or hear!!!!!!!!

First FutureKat

So up until this point I was using an old model I've affectionately referred to as MonkeyTurtle (it's a monkey riding a turtle) as the placeholder for a FutureKat in Area 1. NO LONGER!

I finally built and animated our very first FutureKat - and he's fucking terrible. I mean, he looks great, but he's mean. I took a few liberties with him, but the original concept is by the wondrous Holly Low! Below you'll get to see the sketch she did back when I was drawing shit and asked her what the fuck a FutureKat would even look like. Within minutes she'd sent me this hilarious sketch and I liked it way more than the majority of mine, so it's made its way into the game! Ultra fuckin' cool!!!

Hoverboard Hobo and the Eyes of the Space Bridge

Today I've been working on better marking the entrance to the Space Bridge. Starting with giant eyes that follow the player as they walk inside. 

Last night I finished up the coding/animation for Drunken Fisherman, who I've now changed to Hoverboard Hobo. In case you're wondering, the Hoverboard's pink. Maybe you can steal it?


Today I finalized my order for business cards - they're gonna look pretty fuckin' nice. I also began work on the mechanics for a few slightly-more-complicated characters than those I've popped in so far. Drunken Fisherman will be able to puke in your face if you get too close, and that actually requires more of a process than I originally anticipated. No matter! I've actually gotten pretty far through the process today. I'll continue for about a half an hour more than likely pass out. Got a lot to do tomorrow...

Small Stuff (and a Llama)

Today I started work on the Groundskeeper. He'll be whistlin' it up while trimmin' the hedge maze and trying not to fall off the ladder (YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO STAND ON THE TOP STEP). I also figured out how to get my own icon to show up on the iPhone - not the most glamorous update on earth, but cool none-the-less.

I'm mostly just keeping up speed and making sure to knock as much out as I can every day in-between working for other people and keeping myself fit/fed. Don't worry, I still bathe on the regular and I make sure to spend a decent amount of time outside - a lot more than I did in Oklahoma at least. It's weird how nice it is just to have cool hills to look at - and the heat levels not be so bewildering. I love Oklahoma, but I'm glad to be in Los Angeles and living on my own - just the right amount of space to get my mind goin'.

I'm still working alongside friends, getting the soundtrack put together, having some of them model for characters, and others are providing cool cartoons they've made that I'll be implementing as characters as well!

More to come... Thanks for reading!!!


I got bored with the way the Cardboard headset looked, so I spent a bit of time sprucing it up. If you walk on over to my instagram account (@artyp_) you can check out the finished thing. Lookin' pretty fuckin' cool!

The Collaborative Soundtrack of FKSP

On the development side of today, I spent a good deal of time testing, fixing, and setting up new collision boxes for the map's main geometry. Collision boxes are the things that keep you - the player - from falling through the floor or walking through cliffs and other characters.

On a more interesting note, I also spent a lot of time talking with several musician friends about the soundtrack to FutureKat SuperPark.
Like I mentioned yesterday, this is one of the cooler parts of the whole thing. Each area in the game will have its own track written and recorded by one of 8 groups//individuals. So far the list is pretty dope, including a track from Evangelicals' Josh Jones as well as members of The Dirty Little Betty's, Eureeka, and C++.

Remember to check my Instagram (should be over to the right [browser] or at the bottom [mobile] of this page - @artyp) for frequent pictures, animations, or just daily Travis updates. There'll be a ton more really cool pieces to this puzzle coming along as progress continues!!!

Talk to ya tomorrow!

Balloon Salesman Hans and What's to Come

Down below you'll see an animated .gif of one of the many denizens of FutureKat SuperPark - Balloon Salesman Hans! He's not very good at his job, but he's nice. While the game's named after the park's main attraction, players will be let loose to run into and interact with a plethora of strange and sometimes less-than-respectable characters. But what fun would life be if everyone were well-meaning?

Tomorrow I'll delve into the SOUNDTRACK and a few of its various collaborations currently in the works. One of the most exciting parts!!!

Thanks for tuning in, amigos!

Post Numero Uno

Well, starting today - June 1st (or May 31st, dependent upon where you are) 2016 - this will be the spot to find all of the nitty-gritty details regarding the development of my new mobile VR game for the iPhone - FutureKat SuperPark.

I started - I believe - about 3 weeks ago. Could've been two. I'm not keeping track like I should. However, all of this closely coincides with my moving to Los Angeles, CA and finding an apartment in Highland Park.

I'll start posting pictures and development blog-esque stuff as I go so you can keep up with it all. I'm hoping to have it all wrapped in about 3 months. Ambitious, yes... especially considering all the bugs I've already run into. HA! But I think it's a good idea to try to knock out the first project in a timely fashion. Maybe not... ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT!